Industry Solutions
IMS has the potential to engage in any number of application areas including, but not limited to:
In-vivo Diagnostics
Photodynamic Therapy
Photocurable Polymers for Dentistry
Friend or Foe identification (IFF)
Tag-Track-Locate (TTL)
Non-incendiary Tracer Technologies
Field-deployable Diagnostics for Biological and Chemical Warfare
Anti-counterfeit and Brand Protection
Automotive, Transportation, & Infrastructure
Paints and costing for roads, tarmacs, and signs
Automotive coatings
H2 Gas Sensor
Breath Sensor
Sustainable Agriculture Sensors
IMS Detectors
3D printing
LEDs, Displays, and Volumetric Displays
Catalysis and Adsorbents
Paramagnetic particles for inductive heating, memory, and other applications